Kebab: the revelation food

Hi food lovers!!!
I love to eat and to taste the food in Kebab & Durum reastaurants. Here in our town, we have two differents restaurants of this turkish food: one is the original one where there is only turkish food and the other one is a fast food eating place where there are different types of victuals, such as, burgers, durums, nuggets, chicken wings... Personally I prefer the original turkish one because the "pedrata" of there is better than in the other.
Resultado de imagen de tolosa kebab

Besides that, there is a big variety of food to choose whatever you want. Here I give you some examples:
Resultado de imagen de kebabKebab                            Resultado de imagen de durumDurum 1
Resultado de imagen de durumDurum 2                       Resultado de imagen de pizza kebab  Pizza Kebab

Resultado de imagen de kebabKebab wings                 Resultado de imagen de kebabKebab brochette

The turkish people have a special method to make the meet and to cut it. They are like special ovens but without close it, that is, in the open air. And then, they cut the meet with a very special tool that it seems a huge potato peeler.

Resultado de imagen de cortador de kebab                               Resultado de imagen de kebab turco

I recomended you, to taste this fascinasting food because it transport you to an other universe where you will become as a king. TASTE IT!!!!!!!!!


  1. Mmmmmmm... I think that you have reason and my friend Euken Huizi will be agree with me he loves kebab especially the "Pedrata" of the kebab restaurant of our town.


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